Creatore di ricerca parole in tedesco
Come si usa questo creatore di ricerca di parole in tedesco?
If you're looking for a fun way to consolidate your students' knowledge of any target vocabulary, this is the resource for you! This worksheet generator allows you to create word searches with German words. You can enter all the words that you want followed by a space.
Enter all the words that you want in the wordsearch followed by a space and then choose what size grid you want. The German word searches can be ordered from top to bottom, left to right and diagonally (up and down). So if the word has 7 letters, it will appear across 7 squares. You can also choose the font used. The generator will add random letters to the grid too.
Separately there is an answer sheet highlighting the answers available in different colors and you can choose how many pages of without answers and how many with answers.
This wordsearch generator allows you to make a game out of studying by challenging students to see who can find the most words in a set time! Make learning German fun with this wordsearch creator.
If you're looking for a fun way to consolidate your students' knowledge of any target vocabulary, this is the resource for you! This worksheet generator allows you to create word searches with German words. You can enter all the words that you want followed by a space.
Enter all the words that you want in the wordsearch followed by a space and then choose what size grid you want. The German word searches can be ordered from top to bottom, left to right and diagonally (up and down). So if the word has 7 letters, it will appear across 7 squares. You can also choose the font used. The generator will add random letters to the grid too.
Separately there is an answer sheet highlighting the answers available in different colors and you can choose how many pages of without answers and how many with answers.
This wordsearch generator allows you to make a game out of studying by challenging students to see who can find the most words in a set time! Make learning German fun with this wordsearch creator.
Altre pagine e risorse
Using German Online
Worksheets Creators
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Convertitori di caratteri
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- Convertire testo cinese in cirillico (russo)
- Conversione Wade-Giles
- Strumento per dire se il testo è semplificato o tradizionale
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