Count German Characters And Words

Word Count:   0
Vowels Count:   0
Consonants Count:   0
Other Characters:   0
Total:   0

How to use this German word count?

This resource is great for anyone writing in German who wants to know the stats of their writing. Enter your German text and the resource will tell you how many letters, words, vowels and consonants it has. 

Simply type or paste your text into the box and the app will give you a breakdown of the number of letters, words, vowels and consonants. 


This resource is great for anyone writing in German who wants to know the stats of their writing. Enter your German text and the resource will tell you how many letters, words, vowels and consonants it has. 

Simply type or paste your text into the box and the app will give you a breakdown of the number of letters, words, vowels and consonants. 


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